.....Twas the worst of times......
In 2008 conservatives will likely loose more than just the great William F. Buckley. The enthusiasm and fervor for which both Democrat Presidential candidates are garnering from voters is monumental. Larger voter turnout and substantially larger bank rolls are mounting a very impressive hill for GOP Presidential candidate John McCain to climb if he is to be the President elect in November.
Seems as though it would be a much easier hill to climb if McCain were a true conservative. Which begs the question. Is conservatism as we know it dead?
We used to be a party of principles and of higher standards for not only ourselves but for all. We used to be a party that believed in smaller government. We used to be a party that believed in sovereignty. We used to be a party that believed power should be returned to those governments that knew best of what its people needed, i.e. local and state governments. We used to believe that government should be less involved in our everyday lives.
We used to be conservative. For all the things that great conservatives, like Mr. Buckley, have fought so long and passionately for a new wave of "conservatives" is destroying years of hard work. Government continues to grow at a rapid pace. Government is more and more intrusive into our everyday lives. Government has allowed our borders to continuously remain unsecured. Government has fostered a climate of corruption and greed between the hallowed halls of OUR great capital.
All of the aforementioned things have come under the watch of a "conservative" congress and a "conservative" president. The only true conservative thing I can think of that has come from 7 1/2 years of a "Conservative" President and 12 years of a "Conservative" Congress is tax cuts. Please do not misunderstand me. The Bush tax cuts have been a great economic stimulus but, it was one of many factors that has led to a 7 robust years of growth. When Congress and the Presidency were both held by "Conservatives" why did we not see the progression of True Conservative principles. It seems to me that 6 years should be plenty to start enacting the Conservative Agenda.
I think Bush did great things and lead our country gloriously and valiantly during his first 4 years. During his first 4 years President Bush was presented with a dead economy that only got worse on 9/11 and from our "bootstraps" Bush pulled us up dusted us off and started us down the road to recovery and vengeance against our attackers. The problem is that somewhere along the way we lost site of our mission. Bin Laden is still at large even though another ruthless man was found and subsequently put to death. I do believe the world is a safer place without Sadam but I also believe that this caused us to loose sight of our true mission.
Which brings me back to the mission of conservatives. We have lost sight of our mission. Conservatism was once right and can be again but it will take twice as much work as it did before. Conservatives must fight to bring an end to the trend of the ever expanding government. Conservatives must limit the scope and size of government. Conservatives must lead the crusade to secure our borders and strengthen our sovereignty.
In the end Conservatives must be Conservatives. Something that William F. Buckley understood and fought for. His passing has left a hole that as I see it no current conservative talking head can adequately fill.