It is a shame that our government's spending has gotten so out of control that it has become a punch-line in joke after joke. I assure you that our founding fathers did not envision pork barrel spending and a government entirely consumed with itself.
"The Founding Fathers understood that government is most accountable and effective where it is close to the people. The Constitution authorizes the federal government to exercise only a few specific powers of national importance and reserves the rest to the states. A city council or state government is much better suited to match spending priorities with local needs than a member of Congress or a federal bureaucrat. Local politicians have fewer constituents and are more accessible. With the sphere of government restricted, voters can keep a closer eye on how tax dollars are spent." from www.CAGW.org.
The thing that scares me the most is I am hearing of specific examples of Oklahoma House Members doing the same thing. Pork is a drug for politicians and to many of our politicians need to go to rehab.
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