In future posts I will attempt to bring conservative news to the forefront of Oklahoma. Not all news is good news. In todays world of power and corruption it is vital that the people have a steady voice and a constant source of information that is incorruptible and trustworthy.
All conservatives must be willing to embrace the true meaning of conservatism. In a world that seems to be spiraling out of control due to an ever intrusive government true conservatives bring a halt to the moniker of "silent majority" and learn what it is to be an activist.
In an election year where the conservative choice for president is as close to conservatism as Ted Kennedy is to winning the AAA safe driver of the year award we must reexamine what conservatism is.
Absolutism has eroded the cornerstones of our Republic. There should never be Government interference in state rights including but not limited to education. Our rights are ever increasingly disappearing at an alarming rate. It is time for the "Nanny State" to end. Bring an end to the socialist undertakings of former and future leaders.
It is ridiculous for our elected leaders to continue to not meet a budget for the country. The amount of foreign aid given out every year is staggering, imagine the debts we could pay off. You want an economic stimulus package, give the public back the tax dollars that go to foreign countries. This money has obviously done nothing to make our relationships with the world any stronger. In fact one could easily say it has made the United States weaker.
Locally, It is imperative that the conservative creep continues. We can not and will not be able to sustain a majority in the State House of Representatives nor gain a majority in the State Senate with the corruption and scandals that have plagued us in the immediate past. Oklahomans have always had an anti government sentiment. History has repeatedly proven this. Take for instance the County Commissioner Scandal of 1981, This scandal was nothing more than a plan for commissioners to receive payment for the awards of contracts. Oklahoma's constitution was very progressive for the time and shows how the same anti big government sentiment that we see alive today was also alive 100 years ago.
This election year we will have opportunities to elect conservatives from the smallest of office to the greatest office in the land. Conservatives, true conservatives, must return to the ideals of true conservatism if we are to have a chance in November.
These are just my thoughts, who knows, I could be wrong.......probably not though.
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