The story goes that absolute power corrupts absolutely, but it is also the most powerful aphrodisiac known to man. I understand that everyone falters and has weak moments but I am tired of being preached to about morality by men that have none.
True leadership is done by example. The conservatives, this election year, have rushed to compare themselves to Reagan. Asking "What Would Reagan Do?" Let me tell you what Reagan did. He lead by example. No Reagan was not perfect. He had been married before to Sarah Jane Mayfield Fulks which was anything but perfect. By all accounts that marriage was doomed from day one.
In March of 1952 two people, Nancy and Ronald, were married at a semi secret ceremony just outside of Los Angeles. For the next 52 years Reagan mad sure that Nancy knew he loved her and that she never had any doubts. I do not claim to know the Reagans but after reading, I love you, Ronnie, a book of compiled love letters to Nancy from Ronnie it is easy to see.
The most effective leaders do so by example. Something that seems to be lost on Senator McCain. It seems that an "October Surprise" has come a little early. Is it early enough for Governor Huckabee to make a late charge? That remains to be seen, but is certainly makes a mess of things.
The whole story on Sen. McCain's alleged exploitations with a female lobbyist thirty years his junior is being reported on in the NY Times.
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