Saturday, February 23, 2008

It was on this day. February 23rd 1945, over sixty years ago that "The Greatest Generation" planted a flag atop the highest point of Iwo Jima.

To my grandfathers and all of those that served I say thank you.  The debt owed to your generation for the sacrifices you made will never be able to be repaid.  

The "Greatest Generation" never asked why nor complained about what they had to do.  They just did it.  The did it with a commitment and vigor that has never, nor will probably ever, been seen.  The military men came back to a country that had been in the roots of a depression when they left only to find it turning the corner into prosperity when they arrived home. 

There are many things every generation can learn from these people.  Sacrifice for the greater good.  Hard work and diligence.  Commitment to God, Country and Family.   

I hope that one day my generation can be half of what they are and have been.

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